IP Address Ranges by Country. This page displays the complete IPv4 address ranges organized by country. There are 249 countries listed below, and each link will bring you to a new page containing the respestive IP address ranges.

List of anonymizing VPN services IP address :: udger.com Udger database includes categorized (udger detected/tested) IP addresses. More than 583,000 of categorized IP addresses. List type: Crawlers | Public proxies | Public cgi proxies | VPN services | Tor exit nodes | Fake crawlers | Web scrapers | Known attack source AWS IP address ranges - AWS General Reference To allow an instance to access only AWS services, create a security group with rules that allow outbound traffic to the CIDR blocks in the AMAZON list, minus the CIDR blocks that are also in the EC2 list. IP addresses in the EC2 list can be assigned to EC2 instances. A List of Common Default Router IP Addresses - TechSpot Dec 27, 2017

Convert CIDR notation to a range of IP addresses This tool takes an IP address and CIDR netmask (e.g., and lists all the IP addresses in that netblock. Someone at work needed a tool to do this, and there didn't seem to be one out there on the web already, so I wrote one.

Bulk IP lookup locator - Enter IP Addresses to find their IP Bulk IP address location Find the city, country and time zone of one or more IP addresses at a time. Enter one or more addresses in any order (limit 30 at a time)

The most trust tool for lookup details about an IP address including location, ISP, hostname, type, proxy, blacklist status and more.

Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges | Microsoft Docs