Ubuntu Network Manager: Enabling and disabling
May 26, 2020 VPN Setup guide for Linux using the network manager Network Manager is designed to provide automatic connectivity, through whatever channels are available. Once a VPN connection is established, all traffic is routed through the tunnel. After network interruptions, Network Manager will normally automatically restart OpenVPN to reconnect. How to Restart Network in Ubuntu | Serverspace Jul 13, 2020 Network-manager-gnome Download (DEB)
How to Set Up Remote Desktop on Ubuntu
When this option is true, network configuration for WiFi, WWAN, Bluetooth, ADSL, and PPPoE interfaces cannot be preserved due to their use of external services, and these devices will be deconfigured when NetworkManager quits even though other interface's configuration may be preserved. NetworkManager will not modify resolv.conf. rc-manager
Ubuntu – Details of package network-manager-gnome in xenial
Removing Network Manager from Ubuntu. I am sick of it